Source code for floatcsep.postprocess.reporting

import importlib.util
import itertools
import logging
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy

from floatcsep.experiment import ExperimentComparison
from floatcsep.utils.helpers import timewindow2str, str2timewindow

    from floatcsep.experiment import Experiment

log = logging.getLogger("floatLogger")

Use the MarkdownReport class to create output for the experiment.

1. string templates are stored for each evaluation
2. string templates are stored for each forecast
3. report should include
    - plots of catalog
    - plots of forecasts
    - evaluation results
    - metadata from run, (maybe json dump of Experiment class)

[docs] def generate_report(experiment, timewindow=-1): report_function = experiment.postprocess.get("report") if report_function: custom_report(report_function, experiment) return timewindow = experiment.timewindows[timewindow] timestr = timewindow2str(timewindow)"Saving report into {experiment.registry.run_dir}") report = MarkdownReport() report.add_title(f"Experiment Report - {}", "") report.add_heading("Objectives", level=2) objs = [ "Describe the predictive skills of posited hypothesis about " "seismogenesis with earthquakes of" f" M>{min(experiment.magnitudes)}.", ] report.add_list(objs) report.add_heading("Authoritative Data", level=2) # Generate catalog plot if experiment.catalog_repo.catalog is not None: report.add_figure( "Input catalog", [ experiment.registry.get_figure("main_catalog_map"), experiment.registry.get_figure("main_catalog_time"), ], level=3, ncols=1, caption="Evaluation catalog from " f"{experiment.start_date} until {experiment.end_date}. " f"Earthquakes are filtered above Mw" f" {min(experiment.magnitudes)}.", add_ext=True, ) test_names = [ for test in experiment.tests] report.add_list(test_names) # Include results from Experiment for test in experiment.tests: fig_path = experiment.registry.get_figure(timestr, test) width = test.plot_args[0].get("figsize", [4])[0] * 96 report.add_figure( f"{}", fig_path, level=3, caption=test.markdown, add_ext=True, width=width ) for model in experiment.models: try: fig_path = experiment.registry.get_figure(timestr, f"{}_{}") width = test.plot_args[0].get("figsize", [4])[0] * 96 report.add_figure( f"{}: {}", fig_path, level=3, caption=test.markdown, add_ext=True, width=width, ) except KeyError: pass report.table_of_contents()
[docs] def reproducibility_report(exp_comparison: "ExperimentComparison"): numerical = exp_comparison.num_results data = exp_comparison.file_comp outname = os.path.join("") save_path = os.path.dirname( os.path.join( exp_comparison.reproduced.registry.workdir, exp_comparison.reproduced.registry.run_dir, ) ) report = MarkdownReport(out_name=outname) report.add_title(f"Reproducibility Report - {}", "") report.add_heading("Objectives", level=2) objs = [ "Analyze the statistic reproducibility and data reproducibility of" " the experiment. Compares the differences between " "(i) the original and reproduced scores," " (ii) the statistical descriptors of the test distributions," " (iii) The p-value of a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test -" " values beneath 0.1 means we can't reject the distributions are" " similar -," " (iv) Hash (SHA-256) comparison between the results' files and " "(v) byte-to-byte comparison" ] report.add_list(objs) for num, dat in zip(numerical.items(), data.items()): res_keys = list(num[1].keys()) is_time = False try: str2timewindow(res_keys[0]) is_time = True except ValueError: pass if is_time: report.add_heading(num[0], level=2) for tw in res_keys: rows = [ [ tw, "Score difference", "Test Mean diff.", "Test Std diff.", "Test Skew diff.", "KS-test p value", "Hash (SHA-256) equal", "Byte-to-byte equal", ] ] for model_stat, model_file in zip(num[1][tw].items(), dat[1][tw].items()): obs = model_stat[1]["observed_statistic"] test = model_stat[1]["test_statistic"] rows.append( [ model_stat[0], obs, *[f"{i:.1e}" for i in test[:-1]], f"{test[-1]:.1e}", model_file[1]["hash"], model_file[1]["byte2byte"], ] ) report.add_table(rows) else: report.add_heading(num[0], level=2) rows = [ [ res_keys[-1], "Max Score difference", "Hash (SHA-256) equal", "Byte-to-byte equal", ] ] for model_stat, model_file in zip(num[1].items(), dat[1].items()): obs = numpy.nanmax(model_stat[1]["observed_statistic"]) rows.append( [ model_stat[0], f"{obs:.1e}", model_file[1]["hash"], model_file[1]["byte2byte"], ] ) report.add_table(rows) report.table_of_contents()
[docs] def custom_report(report_function: str, experiment: "Experiment"): try: script_path, func_name = report_function.split(".py:") script_path += ".py" except ValueError: log.error( f"Invalid format for custom plot function: {report_function}. " "Try {script_name}.py:{func}" ) "\t Skipping reporting. The configuration script can be modified and re-run the" " reporting (and plots) only by typing 'floatcsep plot {config}'" ) return"Creating report from script {script_path} and function {func_name}") script_abs_path = experiment.registry.abs(script_path) allowed_directory = os.path.dirname(experiment.registry.abs(experiment.config_file)) if not os.path.isfile(script_path) or ( os.path.dirname(script_abs_path) != os.path.realpath(allowed_directory) ): log.error(f"Script {script_path} is not in the configuration file directory.") "\t Skipping reporting. The script can be reallocated and re-run the reporting only" " by typing 'floatcsep plot {config}'" ) return module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(script_abs_path))[0] spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, script_abs_path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) try: func = getattr(module, func_name) except AttributeError: log.error(f"Function {func_name} not found in {script_path}") "\t Skipping reporting. Report script can be modified and re-run the report only" " by typing 'floatcsep plot {config}'" ) return try: func(experiment) except Exception as e: log.error(f"Error executing {func_name} from {script_path}: {e}") "\t Skipping reporting. Report script can be modified and re-run the report only" " by typing 'floatcsep plot {config}'" ) return
[docs] class MarkdownReport: """Class to generate a Markdown report from a study.""" def __init__(self, out_name=""): self.out_name = out_name self.toc = [] self.has_title = True self.has_introduction = False self.markdown = []
[docs] def add_introduction(self, adict): """Generate document header from dictionary.""" first = ( f"# CSEP Testing Results: {adict['simulation_name']} \n" f"**Forecast Name:** {adict['forecast_name']} \n" f"**Simulation Start Time:** {adict['origin_time']} \n" f"**Evaluation Time:** {adict['evaluation_time']} \n" f"**Catalog Source:** {adict['catalog_source']} \n" f"**Number Simulations:** {adict['num_simulations']}\n" ) # used to determine to place TOC at beginning of document or after # introduction. self.has_introduction = True self.markdown.append(first) return first
[docs] def add_text(self, text): """ Text should be a list of strings where each string will be on its own. line. Each add_text command represents a paragraph. Args: text (list): lines to write Returns: """ self.markdown.append(" ".join(text) + "\n\n")
[docs] def add_figure( self, title, relative_filepaths, level=2, ncols=1, add_ext=False, text="", caption="", width=None, ): """ This function expects a list of filepaths. If you want the output stacked, select a value of ncols. ncols should be divisible by filepaths. Args: width: caption: text: add_ext: ncols: title: name of the figure level (int): value 1-6 depending on the heading relative_filepaths (str or List[Tuple[str]]): list of paths in order to make table Returns: """ # verify filepaths have proper extension should always be png is_single = False paths = [] if isinstance(relative_filepaths, str): is_single = True paths.append(relative_filepaths) else: paths = relative_filepaths correct_paths = [] if add_ext: for fp in paths: correct_paths.append(fp + ".png") else: correct_paths = paths # generate new lists with size ncols formatted_paths = [correct_paths[i : i + ncols] for i in range(0, len(paths), ncols)] # convert str into a list, where each potential row is an iter not str def build_header(_row): top = "|" bottom = "|" for i, _ in enumerate(_row): if i == ncols: break top += " |" bottom += " --- |" return top + "\n" + bottom size_ = bool(width) * f"width={width}" def add_to_row(_row): if len(_row) == 1: return f'<img src="{_row[0]}" {size_}/>' string = "| " for item in _row: string = string + f'<img src="{item}" width={width}/>' return string level_string = f"{level * '#'}" result_cell = [] locator = title.lower().replace(" ", "_") result_cell.append(f'{level_string} {title} <a name="{locator}"></a>\n') result_cell.append(f"{text}\n") for i, row in enumerate(formatted_paths): if i == 0 and not is_single and ncols > 1: result_cell.append(build_header(row)) result_cell.append(add_to_row(row)) result_cell.append("\n") result_cell.append(f"{caption}") self.markdown.append("\n".join(result_cell) + "\n") # generate metadata for TOC self.toc.append((title, level, locator))
[docs] def add_heading(self, title, level=1, text="", add_toc=True): # multiplying char simply repeats it if isinstance(text, str): text = [text] cell = [] level_string = f"{level * '#'}" locator = title.lower().replace(" ", "_") sub_heading = f'{level_string} {title} <a name="{locator}"></a>\n' cell.append(sub_heading) try: for item in list(text): cell.append(item) except Exception as ex: raise RuntimeWarning(f"Unable to add document subhead, text must be iterable. {ex}") self.markdown.append("\n".join(cell) + "\n") # generate metadata for TOC if add_toc: self.toc.append((title, level, locator))
[docs] def add_list(self, _list): cell = [] for item in _list: cell.append(f"* {item}") self.markdown.append("\n".join(cell) + "\n\n")
[docs] def add_title(self, title, text): self.has_title = True self.add_heading(title, 1, text, add_toc=False)
[docs] def table_of_contents(self): """Generates table of contents based on contents of document.""" if len(self.toc) == 0: return toc = ["# Table of Contents"] for i, elem in enumerate(self.toc): title, level, locator = elem space = " " * (level - 1) toc.append(f"{space}1. [{title}](#{locator})") insert_loc = 1 if self.has_title else 0 self.markdown.insert(insert_loc, "\n".join(toc) + "\n\n")
[docs] def add_table(self, data, use_header=True): """ Generates table from HTML and styles using bootstrap class. Args: data List[Tuple[str]]: should be (nrows, ncols) in size. all rows should be the same sizes Returns: table (str): this can be added to subheading or other cell if desired. """ table = ['<div class="table table-striped">', "<table>"] def make_header(row_): header = ["<tr>"] for item in row_: header.append(f"<th>{item}</th>") header.append("</tr>") return "\n".join(header) def add_row(row_): table_row = ["<tr>"] for item in row_: table_row.append(f"<td>{item}</td>") table_row.append("</tr>") return "\n".join(table_row) for i, row in enumerate(data): if i == 0 and use_header: table.append(make_header(row)) else: table.append(add_row(row)) table.append("</table>") table.append("</div>") table = "\n".join(table) self.markdown.append(table + "\n\n")
[docs] def save(self, save_dir): output = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.markdown)) full_md_fname = os.path.join(save_dir, self.out_name) with open(full_md_fname, "w") as f: f.writelines(output)