G - Testing a Time-Dependent Model

Here, we set up a time-dependent model from its source code for an experiment.


In a terminal, navigate to floatcsep/tutorials/case_g and type:

$ floatcsep run config.yml

After the calculation is complete, the results will be summarized in results/report.md.

Experiment Components

The example folder contains also, along with the already known components (configurations, catalog), a sub-folder for the source code of the model pymock. The components of the experiment (and model) are:

    └──  pymock         (Model's source code)
        ├── input           (input interface to floatcsep)
            ├── args.txt        (model arguments)
            └── catalog.csv     (dynamically allocated catalog)
        ├── pymock
            ├── libs.py         (helper functions)
            └── main.py         (main routines)
        └── forecasts       (output interface to floatcsep)
            ... (forecasts should be stored here when the model is run)
        ├── run.py          (One of the possibilities to run the model)
        ├── pyproject.toml  (Build instructions)
        ├── setup.cfg       (Build instructions)
        ├── setup.py        (Build instructions)
        ├── requirements.txt(Build instructions)
        ├── Dockerfile      (Build instructions)
        └── README.md       (Information)

    ├── catalog.csv
    ├── config.yml
    ├── models.yml
    ├── custom_plot_script.py
    └── tests.yml
  • The model to be evaluated (pymock) is a source code that generates forecasts for multiple time windows.

  • The testing catalog catalog.csv works also as the input catalog, by being filtered until the testing start_date and allocated in pymock/input dynamically (before each time the model is run)


The experiment’s complexity increases from time-independent to dependent mostly because we now need a Model (source code) to generate forecasts that changes for every time-window. The model main components are:

  • Input: The input consists in input data and arguments.

    1. The input data is, at the very least, a catalog filtered until the forecast beginning. The catalog will be automatically allocated by floatcsep prior to each model’s run (e.g., a single forecast run) in the {model}/input folder. It is stored in the csep.ascii format for simplicity’s sake (see Catalogs).

    1. The input arguments controls how the model’s source code works. The minimum arguments to run a model are the forecast start_date and end_date, which will be modified dynamically during an experiment with multiple time-windows. The experiment system will access {model}/input/args.txt and change the values of start_date = {datetime} and end_date = {datetime} before the model is run. Additional arguments can be set by convenience, such as (not limited to) catalog (the input catalog name), n_sims (number of synthetic catalogs) and random seed for reproducibility.

  • Output: The model’s output are the synthetic catalogs, which should be allocated in {model}/forecasts/{filename}.csv by the source code after each rone. The format is identically to csep_ascii, but unlike in an input catalog, the catalog_id column should be modified for each synthetic catalog starting from 0. The file name follows the convention {model_name}_{start}_{end}.csv, where start and end folows the %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f - ISO861 FORMAT

  • Model build: Inside the model source code, there are multiple options to build it. A standard python setup.cfg is given, which can be built inside a python venv or conda managers. This is created and built automatically by floatCSEP, as long as the the model build instructions are correctly set up.

  • Model run: The model should be run with a simple command, e.g. entrypoint, to which only arguments could be passed if desired. The pymock model contains multiple example of entrypoints, but the modeler should use only one for clarity.

    1. A python call with arguments

    $ python run.py input/args.txt
    1. Using a binary entrypoint with arguments (for instance, defined in the python build instructions: pymock/setup.cfg:entry_point)

    $ pymock input/args.txt
    1. A single binary entrypoint without arguments .

    $ pymock

    This means that the source code should internally read the input data and arguments, input/catalog.csv and input/args.txt files respectively.


The model should be conceptualized as a black-box, whose only interface/interaction with the floatcsep system is to receive an input (i.e., input catalog and arguments) and generates an output (the forecasts).



The configuration is identical to time-independent models, with the exception that now a horizon can be defined instead of intervals, which is the forecast time-window length. The experiment’s class should now be explicited as exp_class: td

  start_date: 2012-5-23T00:00:00
  end_date: 2012-6-23T00:00:00
  horizon: 7days
  exp_class: td


The catalog was obtained previous to the experiment using query_bsi, but it was filtered from 2006 onwards, so it has enough data for the model calibration.


Additional arguments should be passed to time-independent models.

- pymock:
    path: pymock
    func: pymock
      n_sims: 100
      mag_min: 3.5
    build: venv
  1. Now path points to the folder where the source is installed. Therefore, the input and the forecasts should be allocated {path}/input and {path}/forecasts, respectively.

  2. The func option is the shell command with which the model is run. As seen in the Model section, this could be either pymock, pymock input/args.txt or python run.py input/args. We use the simplest option pymock, but you are welcome to try different entrypoints.


The func command will be run from the model’s directory and a model containerization (e.g., Dockerfile, conda).

  1. The func_kwargs are extra arguments that will annotated to the input/args.txt file every time the model is run, or will be passed as extra arguments to the func call (Note that the two options are identical). This is useful to define sub-classes of models (or flavours) that uses the same source code, but a different instantiation.

  2. The build option defines the style of container within which the model will be placed. Currently in floatCSEP, only the python module venv, the package manager conda and the containerization manager Docker are currently supported.


For these tutorials, we use venv sub-environments, but we recommend Docker to set up real experiments.


With time-dependent models, now catalog evaluations found in csep.core.catalog_evaluations can be used.

- Catalog_N-test:
    func: catalog_evaluations.number_test
      - plot_number_test:
            title: Test distribution
      - plot_consistency_test:
            one_sided_lower: True


It is possible to assign two plotting functions to a test, whose plot_args and plot_kwargs can be placed indented beneath

Custom Post-Process

Additional to the default plot_results(), plot_catalogs(), plot_forecasts() functions, a custom plotting function(s) can be set within the postprocess configuration

  plot_custom: custom_plot_script.py:main

This option provides hook for a python script and a function within as:


The requirements are that the script to be located within the same directory as the configuration file, whereas the function must receive a floatcsep.experiment.Experiment as argument

def main(experiment):
    Example custom plot function (Observed vs. forecast rates in time)

        experiment: a floatcsep.experiment.Experiment class


In this way, the plot function can use all the Experiment attributes/methods to access catalogs, forecasts and test results. The script tutorials/case_g/custom_plot_script.py can also be viewed directly on GitHub, where it is exemplified how to access the experiment data in runtime.

Running the experiment

The experiment can be run by simply navigating to the tutorials/case_g folder in the terminal and typing.

$ floatcsep run config.yml

This will automatically set all the calculation paths (testing catalogs, evaluation results, figures) and will create a summarized report in results/report.md.