import datetime
import json
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from os.path import isfile, exists
from typing import Sequence, Union, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Callable
import csep
import numpy
from csep.core.catalogs import CSEPCatalog
from csep.core.forecasts import GriddedForecast, CatalogForecast
from csep.models import EvaluationResult
from csep.utils.time_utils import decimal_year
from floatcsep.utils.readers import ForecastParsers
from floatcsep.infrastructure.registries import ForecastRegistry, ExperimentRegistry
from floatcsep.utils.helpers import str2timewindow, parse_csep_func
from floatcsep.utils.helpers import timewindow2str
log = logging.getLogger("floatLogger")
from floatcsep.evaluation import Evaluation
from floatcsep.model import Model
class ForecastRepository(ABC):
def __init__(self, registry: ForecastRegistry):
self.registry = registry
self.lazy_load = False
self.forecasts = {}
def load_forecast(self, tstring: Union[str, Sequence[str]], **kwargs):
def _load_single_forecast(self, tstring: str, **kwargs):
def remove(self, tstring: Union[str, Sequence[str]]):
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, ForecastRepository):
return False
if len(self.forecasts) != len(other.forecasts):
return False
for key in self.forecasts.keys():
if key not in other.forecasts.keys():
return False
if self.forecasts[key] != other.forecasts[key]:
return False
return True
def factory(
cls, registry: ForecastRegistry, model_class: str, forecast_type: str = None, **kwargs
) -> "ForecastRepository":
"""Factory method. Instantiate first on explicit option provided in the model
configuration. Then, defaults to gridded forecast for TimeIndependentModel and catalog
forecasts for TimeDependentModel
if forecast_type == "catalog":
return CatalogForecastRepository(registry, **kwargs)
elif forecast_type == "gridded":
return GriddedForecastRepository(registry, **kwargs)
if model_class == "TimeIndependentModel":
return GriddedForecastRepository(registry, **kwargs)
elif model_class == "TimeDependentModel":
return CatalogForecastRepository(registry, **kwargs)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown forecast type: {forecast_type}")
class CatalogForecastRepository(ForecastRepository):
The class is responsible to access (or store in memory) the catalog-based forecasts of a
model. The flag `lazy_load` can be set to False so the catalogs are stored in memory and
reduce the time required to parse files.
def __init__(self, registry: ForecastRegistry, **kwargs):
registry (ForecastRegistry): The registry containing the keys/path to the forecasts
given their time-windows.
self.registry = registry
self.lazy_load = kwargs.get("lazy_load", True)
self.forecasts = {}
def load_forecast(
self, tstring: Union[str, list], region=None
) -> Union[CatalogForecast, list[CatalogForecast]]:
Returns a forecast object or a sequence of them for a set of time window strings.
tstring (str, list): String representing the time-window
region (optional): A region, in case the forecast requires to be filtered lazily.
The CSEP CatalogForecast object or a list of them.
if isinstance(tstring, str):
return self._load_single_forecast(tstring, region)
return [self._load_single_forecast(t, region) for t in tstring]
def _load_single_forecast(self, t: str, region=None):
fc_path = self.registry.get_forecast(t)
return csep.load_catalog_forecast(
fc_path, region=region, apply_filters=True, filter_spatial=True
def remove(self, tstring: Union[str, Sequence[str]]):
class GriddedForecastRepository(ForecastRepository):
The class is responsible to access (or store in memory) the gridded-based forecasts of a
model. A keyword `lazy_load` can be set to False so the catalogs are stored in memory and
avoid parsing files repeatedly (Skip for large files).
def __init__(self, registry: ForecastRegistry, **kwargs):
registry (ForecastRegistry): The registry containing the keys/path to the forecasts
given their time-windows.
self.registry = registry
self.lazy_load = kwargs.get("lazy_load", False)
self.forecasts = {}
def load_forecast(
self, tstring: Union[str, list] = None, name="", region=None, forecast_unit=1
) -> Union[GriddedForecast, Sequence[GriddedForecast]]:
Returns a forecast object or a sequence of them for a set of time window strings.
tstring (str, list): String representing the time-window
name (str): Forecast name
region (optional): A region, in case the forecast requires to be filtered lazily.
forecast_unit (float): The time unit (in decimal years) that the forecast represents
The CSEP CatalogForecast object or a list of them.
if isinstance(tstring, str):
return self._get_or_load_forecast(tstring, name, forecast_unit)
return [self._get_or_load_forecast(tw, name, forecast_unit) for tw in tstring]
def _get_or_load_forecast(
self, tstring: str, name: str, forecast_unit: float
) -> GriddedForecast:
"""Helper method to get or load a single forecast."""
if tstring in self.forecasts:
log.debug(f"Using {name} forecast for {tstring} from memory")
return self.forecasts[tstring]
log.debug(f"Loading {name} forecast for {tstring}")
forecast = self._load_single_forecast(tstring, forecast_unit, name)
if not self.lazy_load:
self.forecasts[tstring] = forecast
return forecast
def _load_single_forecast(self, tstring: str, fc_unit: float = 1, name_=""):
start_date, end_date = str2timewindow(tstring)
time_horizon = decimal_year(end_date) - decimal_year(start_date)
tstring_ = timewindow2str([start_date, end_date])
f_path = self.registry.get_forecast(tstring_)
f_parser = getattr(ForecastParsers, self.registry.fmt)
rates, region, mags = f_parser(f_path)
forecast_ = GriddedForecast(
scale = time_horizon / fc_unit
if scale != 1.0:
forecast_ = forecast_.scale(scale)
f"\tForecast expected count: {forecast_.event_count:.2f}"
f" with scaling parameter: {scale:.1f}"
return forecast_
def remove(self, tstring: Union[str, Sequence[str]]):
class ResultsRepository:
The class is responsible to access, read and write the results of a given evaluation
def __init__(self, registry: ExperimentRegistry):
registry (ExperimentRegistry): The registry of an experiment, which keeps track
of the filepaths of each result.
self.registry = registry
def _load_result(
test: "Evaluation",
window: Union[str, Sequence[datetime.datetime]],
model: "Model",
) -> EvaluationResult:
if not isinstance(window, str):
wstr_ = timewindow2str(window)
wstr_ = window
eval_path = self.registry.get_result(wstr_, test, model)
with open(eval_path, "r") as file_:
model_eval = EvaluationResult.from_dict(json.load(file_))
return model_eval
def load_results(
test: "Evaluation",
window: Union[str, Sequence[datetime.datetime]],
models: Union[list["Model"], "Model"],
) -> Union[List, EvaluationResult]:
Reads an Evaluation result for a given time window and returns a list of the results for
all tested models.
test (Evaluation): The tests for which the results are to be loaded
window (str, list): The time-windows for which the results are to be loaded
models (Model, list): The models for which the results are to be loaded
if isinstance(models, list):
test_results = []
for model in models:
model_eval = self._load_result(test, window, model)
return test_results
return self._load_result(test, window, models)
def write_result(self, result: EvaluationResult, test, model, window) -> None:
Writes the evaluation results using their method .to_dict() as json file.
result: CSEP evaluation result
test: Name of the test
model: Name of the model
window: Name of the time-window
path = self.registry.get_result(window, test, model)
class NumpyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, numpy.integer):
return int(obj)
if isinstance(obj, numpy.floating):
return float(obj)
if isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray):
return obj.tolist()
return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
with open(path, "w") as _file:
json.dump(result.to_dict(), _file, indent=4, cls=NumpyEncoder)
class CatalogRepository:
The class handles the main and sub-catalogs from the experiment. It is responsible of
accessing, downloading, storing the main catalog, as well as filtering and storing the
corresponding input-catalogs (e.g., input for a model to be run) and test-catalogs (catalogs
for the model's forecasts to be evaluated against).
def __init__(self, registry: ExperimentRegistry):
registry (ExperimentRegistry): The registry of the experiment
self.cat_path = None
self._catalog = None
self.registry = registry
self.time_config = {}
self.region_config = {}
def __dir__(self):
"""Adds time and region configs keys to instance scope."""
_dir = (
list(super().__dir__()) + list(self.time_config.keys()) + list(self.region_config)
return sorted(_dir)
def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> object:
Override built-in method to return attributes found within.
:attr:`region_config` or :attr:`time_config`
return self.__dict__[item]
except KeyError:
return self.time_config[item]
except KeyError:
return self.region_config[item]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(
f"Experiment '{}'" f" has no attribute '{item}'"
) from None
def as_dict(self):
def set_main_catalog(
self, catalog: Union[str, Callable, CSEPCatalog], time_config: dict, region_config: dict
Sets the catalog to be used for the experiment.
catalog: Experiment's main catalog.
region_config: Experiment instantiation
self.catalog = catalog
self.time_config = time_config
self.region_config = region_config
def catalog(self) -> CSEPCatalog:
Returns a CSEP catalog loaded from the given query function or a stored file if it
cat_path = self.registry.abs(self.cat_path)
if callable(self._catalog):
if isfile(self.cat_path):
return CSEPCatalog.load_json(self.cat_path)
bounds = {
"start_time": min([item for sublist in self.timewindows for item in sublist]),
"end_time": max([item for sublist in self.timewindows for item in sublist]),
"min_magnitude": self.magnitudes.min(),
"max_depth": self.depths.max(),
if self.region:
i: j
for i, j in zip(
["min_longitude", "max_longitude", "min_latitude", "max_latitude"],
catalog = self._catalog(catalog_id="catalog", **bounds)
if self.region:
catalog.filter_spatial(region=self.region, in_place=True)
catalog.region = None
return catalog
elif isfile(cat_path):
return CSEPCatalog.load_json(cat_path)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return csep.load_catalog(cat_path)
def catalog(self, cat: Union[Callable, CSEPCatalog, str]) -> None:
if cat is None:
self._catalog = None
self.cat_path = None
elif isfile(self.registry.abs(cat)):"\tCatalog: '{cat}'")
self._catalog = self.registry.rel(cat)
self.cat_path = self.registry.rel(cat)
# catalog can be a function
self._catalog = parse_csep_func(cat)
self.cat_path = self.registry.abs("catalog.json")
if isfile(self.cat_path):"\tCatalog: stored " f"'{self.cat_path}' " f"from '{cat}'")
else:"\tCatalog: '{cat}'")
def get_test_cat(self, tstring: str = None) -> CSEPCatalog:
Filters the complete experiment catalog to a test sub-catalog bounded by the test
time-window. Writes it to filepath defined in :attr:`Experiment.registry`
tstring (str): Time window string
if tstring:
start, end = str2timewindow(tstring)
start = self.start_date
end = self.end_date
sub_cat = self.catalog.filter(
f"origin_time < {end.timestamp() * 1000}",
f"origin_time >= {start.timestamp() * 1000}",
f"magnitude >= {self.mag_min}",
f"magnitude < {self.mag_max}",
if self.region:
sub_cat.filter_spatial(region=self.region, in_place=True)
return sub_cat
def set_test_cat(self, tstring: str) -> None:
Filters the complete experiment catalog to a test sub-catalog bounded by the test
time-window. Writes it to filepath defined in :attr:`Experiment.registry`
tstring (str): Time window string
testcat_name = self.registry.get_test_catalog(tstring)
if not exists(testcat_name):
f"Filtering testing catalog and saving to {self.registry.rel(testcat_name)}"
start, end = str2timewindow(tstring)
sub_cat = self.catalog.filter(
f"origin_time < {end.timestamp() * 1000}",
f"origin_time >= {start.timestamp() * 1000}",
f"magnitude >= {self.mag_min}",
f"magnitude < {self.mag_max}",
if self.region:
sub_cat.filter_spatial(region=self.region, in_place=True)
log.debug(f"Using test catalog from {self.registry.rel(testcat_name)}")