Source code for floatcsep.infrastructure.registries

import logging
import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from os.path import join, abspath, relpath, normpath, dirname, exists
from typing import Sequence, Union, TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from floatcsep.utils.helpers import timewindow2str

    from floatcsep.model import Model
    from floatcsep.evaluation import Evaluation

log = logging.getLogger("floatLogger")

class FileRegistry(ABC):

    def __init__(self, workdir: str) -> None:
        self.workdir = workdir

    def _parse_arg(arg) -> Union[str, list[str]]:
        if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
            return timewindow2str(arg)
        elif isinstance(arg, str):
            return arg
        elif hasattr(arg, "name"):
        elif hasattr(arg, "__name__"):
            return arg.__name__
            raise Exception("Arg is not found")

    def as_dict(self) -> dict:

    def build_tree(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:

    def get(self, *args: Sequence[str]) -> Any:

    def abs(self, *paths: Sequence[str]) -> str:
        _path = normpath(abspath(join(self.workdir, *paths)))
        return _path

    def abs_dir(self, *paths: Sequence[str]) -> str:
        _path = normpath(abspath(join(self.workdir, *paths)))
        _dir = dirname(_path)
        return _dir

    def rel(self, *paths: Sequence[str]) -> str:
        """Gets the relative path of a file, when it was defined relative to.

        the experiment working dir.

        _abspath = normpath(abspath(join(self.workdir, *paths)))
        _relpath = relpath(_abspath, self.workdir)
        return _relpath

    def rel_dir(self, *paths: Sequence[str]) -> str:
        """Gets the absolute path of a file, when it was defined relative to.

        the experiment working dir.

        _path = normpath(abspath(join(self.workdir, *paths)))
        _dir = dirname(_path)

        return relpath(_dir, self.workdir)

    def file_exists(self, *args: Sequence[str]):
        file_abspath = self.get(*args)
        return exists(file_abspath)

[docs] class ForecastRegistry(FileRegistry): """ The class has the responsibility of managing the keys (based on timewindow strings) and path structure of the forecast pertaining to a model (i.e., forecasts from different time-windows), keeping track of the forecast existence and path in the filesystem. """ def __init__( self, workdir: str, path: str, database: str = None, args_file: str = None, input_cat: str = None, ) -> None: """ Args: workdir (str): The current working directory of the experiment. path (str): The path of the model working directory (or model filepath). database (str): The path of the database, in case forecasts are stored therein. args_file (str): The path of the arguments file (only for TimeDependentModel). input_cat (str): : The path of the arguments file (only for TimeDependentModel). """ super().__init__(workdir) self.path = path self.database = database self.args_file = args_file self.input_cat = input_cat self.forecasts = {}
[docs] def get(self, *args: Sequence[str]) -> str: """ Args: *args: A sequence of keys (usually time-window strings) Returns: The registry element (forecast, catalogs, etc.) from a sequence of key value (usually time-window strings) """ val = self.__dict__ for i in args: parsed_arg = self._parse_arg(i) val = val[parsed_arg] return self.abs(val)
[docs] def get_forecast(self, *args: Sequence[str]) -> str: """ Gets the filepath of a forecast for a given sequence of keys (usually a timewindow string). Args: *args: A sequence of keys (usually time-window strings) Returns: The forecast registry from a sequence of key values """ return self.get("forecasts", *args)
@property def dir(self) -> str: """ Returns: The directory containing the model source. """ if os.path.isdir(self.get("path")): return self.get("path") else: return os.path.dirname(self.get("path")) @property def fmt(self) -> str: """ Returns: The extension or format of the forecast """ if self.database: return os.path.splitext(self.database)[1][1:] else: return os.path.splitext(self.path)[1][1:]
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict: """ Returns: Simple dictionary serialization of the instance with the core attributes """ return { "workdir": self.workdir, "path": self.path, "database": self.database, "args_file": self.args_file, "input_cat": self.input_cat, "forecasts": self.forecasts, }
[docs] def forecast_exists(self, timewindow: Union[str, list]) -> Union[bool, Sequence[bool]]: """ Checks if forecasts exist for a sequence of timewindows Args: timewindow (str, list): A single or sequence of strings representing a time window Returns: A list of bool representing the existence of such forecasts. """ if isinstance(timewindow, str): return self.file_exists("forecasts", timewindow) else: return [self.file_exists("forecasts", i) for i in timewindow]
[docs] def build_tree( self, timewindows: Sequence[Sequence[datetime]] = None, model_class: str = "TimeIndependentModel", prefix: str = None, args_file: str = None, input_cat: str = None, ) -> None: """ Creates the run directory, and reads the file structure inside. Args: timewindows (list(str)): List of time windows or strings. model_class (str): Model's class name prefix (str): prefix of the model forecast filenames if TD args_file (str, bool): input arguments path of the model if TD input_cat (str, bool): input catalog path of the model if TD """ windows = timewindow2str(timewindows) if model_class == "TimeIndependentModel": fname = self.database if self.database else self.path self.forecasts = {win: fname for win in windows} elif model_class == "TimeDependentModel": args = args_file if args_file else join("input", "args.txt") self.args_file = join(self.path, args) input_cat = input_cat if input_cat else join("input", "catalog.csv") self.input_cat = join(self.path, input_cat) # grab names for creating directories subfolders = ["input", "forecasts"] dirtree = {folder: self.abs(self.path, folder) for folder in subfolders} # create directories if they don't exist for _, folder_ in dirtree.items(): os.makedirs(folder_, exist_ok=True) # set forecast names self.forecasts = { win: join(dirtree["forecasts"], f"{prefix}_{win}.csv") for win in windows }
[docs] def log_tree(self) -> None: """ Logs a grouped summary of the forecasts' dictionary. Groups time windows by whether the forecast exists or not. """ exists_group = [] not_exist_group = [] for timewindow, filepath in self.forecasts.items(): if self.forecast_exists(timewindow): exists_group.append(timewindow) else: not_exist_group.append(timewindow) log.debug(f" Existing forecasts: {len(exists_group)}") log.debug(f" Missing forecasts: {len(not_exist_group)}") for timewindow in not_exist_group: log.debug(f" Time Window: {timewindow}")
[docs] class ExperimentRegistry(FileRegistry): """ The class has the responsibility of managing the keys (based on models, timewindow and evaluation name strings) to the structure of the experiment inputs (catalogs, models etc) and results from the competing evaluations. It keeps track of the forecast registries, as well as the existence of results and their path in the filesystem. """ def __init__(self, workdir: str, run_dir: str = "results") -> None: """ Args: workdir: The working directory for the experiment run-time. run_dir: The directory in which the results will be stored. """ super().__init__(workdir) self.run_dir = run_dir self.results = {} self.test_catalogs = {} self.figures = {} self.repr_config = "repr_config.yml" self.forecast_registries = {}
[docs] def add_forecast_registry(self, model: "Model") -> None: """ Adds a model's ForecastRegistry to the ExperimentRegistry. Args: model (str): A Model object """ self.forecast_registries[] = model.registry
[docs] def get_forecast_registry(self, model_name: str) -> None: """ Retrieves a model's ForecastRegistry from the ExperimentRegistry. Args: model_name (str): The name of the model. Returns: ForecastRegistry: The ForecastRegistry associated with the model. """ return self.forecast_registries.get(model_name)
[docs] def log_forecast_trees(self, timewindows: list) -> None: """ Logs the forecasts for all models managed by this ExperimentRegistry. """ log.debug("===================") log.debug(f" Total Time Windows: {len(timewindows)}") for model_name, registry in self.forecast_registries.items(): log.debug(f" Model: {model_name}") registry.log_tree() log.debug("===================")
[docs] def get(self, *args: Any) -> str: """ Args: *args: A sequence of keys (usually models, tests and/or time-window strings) Returns: The filepath from a sequence of key values (usually models first, then time-window strings) """ val = self.__dict__ for i in args: parsed_arg = self._parse_arg(i) val = val[parsed_arg] return self.abs(self.run_dir, val)
[docs] def get_result(self, *args: Sequence[any]) -> str: """ Gets the file path of an evaluation result. Args: args: A sequence of keys (usually models, tests and/or time-window strings) Returns: The filepath of a serialized result """ val = self.results for i in args: parsed_arg = self._parse_arg(i) val = val[parsed_arg] return self.abs(self.run_dir, val)
[docs] def get_test_catalog(self, *args: Sequence[any]) -> str: """ Gets the file path of a testing catalog. Args: *args: A sequence of keys (time-window strings) Returns: The filepath of the testing catalog for a given time-window """ val = self.test_catalogs for i in args: parsed_arg = self._parse_arg(i) val = val[parsed_arg] return self.abs(self.run_dir, val)
[docs] def get_figure(self, *args: Sequence[any]) -> str: """ Gets the file path of a result figure. Args: *args: A sequence of keys (usually tests and/or time-window strings) Returns: The filepath of the figure for a given result """ val = self.figures for i in args: parsed_arg = self._parse_arg(i) val = val[parsed_arg] return self.abs(self.run_dir, val)
[docs] def result_exist(self, timewindow_str: str, test_name: str, model_name: str) -> bool: """ Checks if a given test results exist Args: timewindow_str (str): String representing the time window test_name (str): Name of the evaluation model_name (str): Name of the model """ return self.file_exists("results", timewindow_str, test_name, model_name)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> str: # todo: rework return self.workdir
[docs] def build_tree( self, timewindows: Sequence[Sequence[datetime]], models: Sequence["Model"], tests: Sequence["Evaluation"], ) -> None: """ Creates the run directory and reads the file structure inside. Args: timewindows: List of time windows, or representing string. models: List of models or model names tests: List of tests or test names """ windows = timewindow2str(timewindows) models = [ for i in models] tests = [ for i in tests] run_folder = self.run_dir subfolders = ["catalog", "evaluations", "figures"] dirtree = { win: {folder: self.abs(run_folder, win, folder) for folder in subfolders} for win in windows } # create directories if they don't exist for tw, tw_folder in dirtree.items(): for _, folder_ in tw_folder.items(): os.makedirs(folder_, exist_ok=True) results = { win: { test: { model: join(win, "evaluations", f"{test}_{model}.json") for model in models } for test in tests } for win in windows } test_catalogs = {win: join(win, "catalog", "test_catalog.json") for win in windows} figures = { "main_catalog_map": "catalog", "main_catalog_time": "events", **{ win: { **{test: join(win, "figures", f"{test}") for test in tests}, "catalog_map": join(win, "figures", "catalog_map"), "catalog_time": join(win, "figures", "catalog_time"), "forecasts": { model: join(win, "figures", f"forecast_{model}") for model in models }, } for win in windows }, } self.results = results self.test_catalogs = test_catalogs self.figures = figures
[docs] def log_results_tree(self): """ Logs a summary of the results dictionary, sorted by test. For each test and time window, it logs whether all models have results, or if some results are missing, and specifies which models are missing. """ log.debug("===================") total_results = results_exist_count = results_not_exist_count = 0 # Get all unique test names and sort them all_tests = sorted( {test_name for tests in self.results.values() for test_name in tests} ) for test_name in all_tests: log.debug(f"Test: {test_name}") for timewindow, tests in self.results.items(): if test_name in tests: models = tests[test_name] missing_models = [] for model_name, result_path in models.items(): total_results += 1 result_full_path = self.get_result(timewindow, test_name, model_name) if os.path.exists(result_full_path): results_exist_count += 1 else: results_not_exist_count += 1 missing_models.append(model_name) if not missing_models: log.debug(f" Time Window: {timewindow} - All models evaluated.") else: log.debug( f" Time Window: {timewindow} - Missing results for models: " f"{', '.join(missing_models)}" ) log.debug(f"Total Results: {total_results}") log.debug(f"Results that Exist: {results_exist_count}") log.debug(f"Results that Do Not Exist: {results_not_exist_count}") log.debug("===================")