Source code for floatcsep.model

import json
import os
import numpy
import csep
import git
import subprocess
import logging

from typing import List, Callable, Union, Mapping, Sequence
from datetime import datetime

from csep.core.forecasts import GriddedForecast, CatalogForecast
from csep.utils.time_utils import decimal_year

from floatcsep.accessors import from_zenodo, from_git
from floatcsep.readers import ForecastParsers, HDF5Serializer, check_format
from floatcsep.utils import timewindow2str, str2timewindow
from floatcsep.registry import ModelTree

log = logging.getLogger('floatLogger')

[docs] class Model: """ Class defining a forecast generating Model. Initializes a model source either from filesystem or web repositories, contains information about the Model's typology, and maps accordingly to a forecast generating function. Args: name (str): Name of the model model_path (str): Relative path of the model (file or runnable code) to the Experiment's instance path forecast_unit (float): Temporal unit of the forecast. Default to years in time-independent models and days in time-dependent use_db (bool): Flag the use of a database for speed/memory purposes func (str, Forecast generating function (for code models) func_kwargs (dict): Arguments to pass into `func` zenodo_id (int): Zenodo ID or record of the Model giturl (str): Link to a git repository repo_hash (str): Specific commit/branch/tag hash. authors (list[str]): Authors' names metadata doi: Digital Object Identifier metadata: """ ''' Model characteristics: Forecast: - Gridded - Catalog Updating: - Time-Independent - Time-Dependent Source: - File - Code Model typology: To implement in beta version: - (grid - ti - file): e.g. CSEP1 style gridded forecasts To implement in further versions: - (grid - ti - code): e.g. smoothed-seismicity model - (grid - td - code): e.g. EEPAS, STEP, Italy-NZ OEF models - (cat - td - code): e.g. ETAS model code - (cat - td - file): e.g OEF-ready Forecasts - (grid - td - file): e.g OEF-ready Forecasts Get forecasts options: - FILE - read from file, scale in runtime - drop to db, scale from function in runtime - CODE - run, read from file - run, store in db, read from db '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, model_path: str, forecast_unit: float = 1, use_db: bool = False, func: Union[str, Callable] = None, func_kwargs: dict = None, zenodo_id: int = None, giturl: str = None, repo_hash: str = None, authors: List[str] = None, doi: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: # todo: # - Instantiate from source code # Instantiate attributes = name self.zenodo_id = zenodo_id self.giturl = giturl self.repo_hash = repo_hash self.authors = authors self.doi = doi self.forecast_unit = forecast_unit self.func = func self.func_kwargs = func_kwargs or {} self.use_db = use_db self.path = ModelTree(kwargs.get('workdir', os.getcwd()), model_path) # Set model temporal class if self.func: # Time-Dependent self.model_class = 'td' = kwargs.get('build', 'docker') self.run_prefix = '' else: # Time-Independent self.model_class = kwargs.get('model_class', 'ti') # Instantiate attributes to be filled in run-time self.forecasts = {} self.__dict__.update(**kwargs)
@property def dir(self) -> str: """ Returns: The directory containing the model source. """ if os.path.isdir(self.path('path')): return self.path('path') else: return os.path.dirname(self.path('path'))
[docs] def stage(self, timewindows=None) -> None: """ Pre-steps to make the model runnable before integrating - Get from filesystem, Zenodo or Git - Pre-check model fileformat - Initialize database - Run model quality assurance (unit tests, runnable from floatcsep) """ self.get_source(self.zenodo_id, self.giturl, branch=self.repo_hash) if self.use_db: self.init_db() if self.model_class == 'td': self.build_model() self.path.build_tree(timewindows=timewindows, model_class=self.model_class, prefix=self.__dict__.get('prefix',, args_file=self.__dict__.get('args_file', None), input_cat=self.__dict__.get('input_cat', None))
def build_model(self): if == 'pip' or == 'venv': venv = os.path.join(self.path('path'), self.__dict__.get('venv', 'venv')) venvact = os.path.join(venv, 'bin', 'activate') if not os.path.exists(venv):'Building model {} using pip')['python', '-m', 'venv', venv])'\tVirtual environment created in {venv}') build_cmd = f'source {venvact} && ' \ f'pip install --upgrade pip && ' \ f'pip install -e {self.path("path")}' cmd = ['bash', '-c', build_cmd]'\tInstalling dependencies') process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) for line in process.stdout:'\t{line[:-1]}') process.wait()'\tEnvironment ready') log.warning(f'\tNested environments is not fully supported. ' f'Consider using docker instead') self.run_prefix = f'cd {self.path("path")} && source {venvact} && '
[docs] def get_source(self, zenodo_id: int = None, giturl: str = None, force: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: """ Search, download or clone the model source in the filesystem, zenodo and git, respectively. Identifies if the instance path points to a file or to its parent directory Args: zenodo_id (int): Zenodo identifier of the repository. Usually as `{zenodo_id}` giturl (str): git remote repository URL from which to clone the source force (bool): Forces to re-query the model from a web repository **kwargs: see :func:`~floatcsep.utils.from_zenodo` and :func:`~floatcsep.utils.from_git` """ if os.path.exists(self.path('path')) and not force: return os.makedirs(self.dir, exist_ok=True) if zenodo_id:'Retrieving model {} from zenodo id: ' f'{zenodo_id}') try: from_zenodo(zenodo_id, self.dir if self.path.fmt else self.path('path'), force=force) except (KeyError, TypeError) as msg: raise KeyError(f'Zenodo identifier is not valid: {msg}') elif giturl:'Retrieving model {} from git url: ' f'{giturl}') try: from_git(giturl, self.dir if self.path.fmt else self.path('path'), **kwargs) except (git.NoSuchPathError, git.CommandError) as msg: raise git.NoSuchPathError(f'git url was not found {msg}') else: raise FileNotFoundError('Model has no path or identified') if not os.path.exists(self.dir) or not \ os.path.exists(self.path('path')): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Directory '{self.dir}' or file {self.path}' do not exist. " f"Please check the specified 'path' matches the repo " f"structure")
[docs] def init_db(self, dbpath: str = '', force: bool = False) -> None: """ Initializes the database if `use_db` is True. If the model source is a file, seralizes the forecast into a HDF5 file. If source is a generating function or code, creates an empty DB Args: dbpath (str): Path to drop the HDF5 database. Defaults to same path replaced with an `hdf5` extension force (bool): Forces the serialization even if the DB already exists """ # todo Think about distinction btwn 'TI' and 'Gridded' models. if self.model_class == 'ti': parser = getattr(ForecastParsers, self.path.fmt) rates, region, mag = parser(self.path('path')) db_func = HDF5Serializer.grid2hdf5 if not dbpath: dbpath = self.path.path.replace(self.path.fmt, 'hdf5') self.path.database = dbpath if not os.path.isfile(self.path.abs(dbpath)) or force:'Serializing model {} into HDF5 format') db_func(rates, region, mag, hdf5_filename=self.path.abs(dbpath), unit=self.forecast_unit) else: raise NotImplementedError('TD serialization not implemented')
[docs] def rm_db(self) -> None: """ Clean up the generated HDF5 File""" if self.use_db: if os.path.isfile(self.path) and self.fmt == 'hdf5': os.remove(self.path) else: log.warning(f"The HDF5 file {self.path} does not exist")
[docs] def get_forecast(self, tstring: Union[str, list] = None, region=None ) -> Union[GriddedForecast, CatalogForecast, List[GriddedForecast], List[CatalogForecast]]: """ Wrapper that just returns a forecast, which should hide the access method (db storage, ti_td, etc.) under the hood""" if self.model_class == 'ti': if isinstance(tstring, str): # If only one timewindow string is passed try: # If they are retrieved from the Evaluation class return self.forecasts[tstring] except KeyError: # In case they are called from postprocess self.create_forecast(tstring) return self.forecasts[tstring] else: # If multiple timewindow strings are passed forecasts = [] for tw in tstring: if tw in self.forecasts.keys(): forecasts.append(self.forecasts[tw]) if not forecasts: raise KeyError( f'Forecasts {*tstring,} have not been created yet') return forecasts elif self.model_class == 'td': if isinstance(tstring, str): # If one time window string is passed # default forecast naming fc_path = self.path('forecasts', tstring) # default forecasts folder # A region must be given to the forecast return csep.load_catalog_forecast(fc_path, region=region)
[docs] def create_forecast(self, tstring: str, **kwargs) -> None: """ Creates a forecast from the model source and a given time window Note: The argument `tstring` is formatted according to how the Experiment handles timewindows, specified in the functions :func:'floatcsep.utils.timewindow2str` and :func:'floatcsep.utils.str2timewindow` Args: tstring: String representing the start and end of the forecast, formatted as 'YY1-MM1-DD1_YY2-MM2-DD2'. **kwargs: """ start_date, end_date = str2timewindow(tstring) # Model src is a file if self.model_class == 'ti': self.forecast_from_file(start_date, end_date, **kwargs) # Model src is a func or binary else: fc_path = self.path('forecasts', tstring) if kwargs.get('force') or not os.path.exists(fc_path): self.forecast_from_func(start_date, end_date, **self.func_kwargs, **kwargs) else:'Forecast of {tstring} of model {} already ' f'exists')
[docs] def forecast_from_file(self, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, **kwargs) -> None: """ Generates a forecast from a file, by parsing and scaling it to the desired time window. H Args: start_date (~datetime.datetime): Start of the forecast end_date (~datetime.datetime): End of the forecast **kwargs: Keyword arguments for :class:`csep.core.forecasts.GriddedForecast` """ time_horizon = decimal_year(end_date) - decimal_year(start_date) tstring = timewindow2str([start_date, end_date]) f_path = self.path('forecasts', tstring) f_parser = getattr(ForecastParsers, self.path.fmt) rates, region, mags = f_parser(f_path) forecast = GriddedForecast( name=f'{}', data=rates, region=region, magnitudes=mags, start_time=start_date, end_time=end_date ) scale = time_horizon / self.forecast_unit if scale != 1.0: forecast = forecast.scale(scale) log.debug( f"Model {}:\n" f"\tForecast expected count: {forecast.event_count:.2f}" f" with scaling parameter: {time_horizon:.1f}") self.forecasts[tstring] = forecast
[docs] def forecast_from_func(self, start_date: datetime, end_date: datetime, **kwargs) -> None: self.prepare_args(start_date, end_date, **kwargs)'Running {} using {}:' f' {timewindow2str([start_date, end_date])}') self.run_model()
def prepare_args(self, start, end, **kwargs): filepath = self.path('args_file') fmt = os.path.splitext(filepath)[1] if fmt == '.txt': def replace_arg(arg, val, fp): with open(fp, 'r') as filearg_: lines = filearg_.readlines() pattern_exists = False for k, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith(arg): lines[k] = f"{arg} = {val}\n" pattern_exists = True break # assume there's only one occurrence of the key if not pattern_exists: lines.append(f"{arg} = {val}\n") with open(fp, 'w') as file: file.writelines(lines) replace_arg('start_date', start.isoformat(), filepath) replace_arg('end_date', end.isoformat(), filepath) for i, j in kwargs.items(): replace_arg(i, j, filepath) elif fmt == '.json': with open(filepath, 'r') as file_: args = json.load(file_) args['start_date'] = start.isoformat() args['end_date'] = end.isoformat() args.update(kwargs) with open(filepath, 'w') as file_: json.dump(args, file_, indent=2) def run_model(self): if == 'pip' or == 'venv': run_func = f'{self.func} {self.path("args_file")}' cmd = ['bash', '-c', f'{self.run_prefix} {run_func}'] process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True) for line in process.stdout:'\t{line[:-1]}') process.wait() def as_dict(self, excluded=('name', 'forecasts', 'workdir')): """ Returns: Dictionary with relevant attributes. Model can be reinstantiated from this dict """ def _get_value(x): # For each element type, transforms to desired string/output if hasattr(x, 'as_dict'): # e.g. model, evaluation, filetree, etc. o = x.as_dict() else: try: try: o = getattr(x, '__name__') except AttributeError: o = getattr(x, 'name') except AttributeError: if isinstance(x, numpy.ndarray): o = x.tolist() else: o = x return o def iter_attr(val): # recursive iter through nested dicts/lists if isinstance(val, Mapping): return {item: iter_attr(val_) for item, val_ in val.items() if ((item not in excluded) and val_)} elif isinstance(val, Sequence) and not isinstance(val, str): return [iter_attr(i) for i in val] else: return _get_value(val) listwalk = [(i, j) for i, j in sorted(self.__dict__.items()) if not i.startswith('_') and j] dictwalk = {i: j for i, j in listwalk} # if self.model_config is None: # dictwalk['models'] = iter_attr(self.models) # if self.test_config is None: # dictwalk['tests'] = iter_attr(self.tests) return { iter_attr(dictwalk)}
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, record: dict, **kwargs): """ Returns a Model instance from a dictionary containing the required atrributes. Can be used to quickly instantiate from a .yml file. Args: record (dict): Contains the keywords from the ``__init__`` method. Note: Must have either an explicit key `name`, or it must have exactly one key with the model's name, whose values are the remaining ``__init__`` keywords. Returns: A Model instance """ if 'name' in record.keys(): return cls(**record) elif len(record) != 1: raise IndexError('A single model has not been passed') name = next(iter(record)) return cls(name=name, **record[name], **kwargs)