Source code for floatcsep.utils.readers

import argparse
import logging
import os.path
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree as eTree

import h5py
import numpy
import pandas
from csep.core.regions import QuadtreeGrid2D, CartesianGrid2D
from csep.models import Polygon

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ForecastParsers:
[docs] @staticmethod def dat(filename): data = numpy.loadtxt(filename) all_polys = data[:, :4] all_poly_mask = data[:, -1] sorted_idx = numpy.sort( numpy.unique(all_polys, return_index=True, axis=0)[1], kind="stable" ) unique_poly = all_polys[sorted_idx] poly_mask = all_poly_mask[sorted_idx] all_mws = data[:, -4] sorted_idx = numpy.sort(numpy.unique(all_mws, return_index=True)[1], kind="stable") mws = all_mws[sorted_idx] bboxes = [((i[0], i[2]), (i[0], i[3]), (i[1], i[3]), (i[1], i[2])) for i in unique_poly] dh = float(unique_poly[0, 3] - unique_poly[0, 2]) n_mag_bins = len(mws) rates = data[:, -2].reshape(len(bboxes), n_mag_bins) region = CartesianGrid2D([Polygon(bbox) for bbox in bboxes], dh, mask=poly_mask) return rates, region, mws
[docs] @staticmethod def xml(filename, verbose=False): tree = eTree.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() metadata = {} data_ijm = [] m_bins = [] cells = [] cell_dim = {} for k, children in enumerate(list(root[0])): if "modelName" in children.tag: name_xml = children.text metadata["name"] = name_xml elif "author" in children.tag: author_xml = children.text metadata["author"] = author_xml elif "forecastStartDate" in children.tag: start_date = children.text.replace("Z", "") metadata["forecastStartDate"] = start_date elif "forecastEndDate" in children.tag: end_date = children.text.replace("Z", "") metadata["forecastEndDate"] = end_date elif "defaultMagBinDimension" in children.tag: m_bin_width = float(children.text) metadata["defaultMagBinDimension"] = m_bin_width elif "lastMagBinOpen" in children.tag: lastmbin = float(children.text) metadata["lastMagBinOpen"] = lastmbin elif "defaultCellDimension" in children.tag: cell_dim = {i[0]: float(i[1]) for i in children.attrib.items()} metadata["defaultCellDimension"] = cell_dim elif "depthLayer" in children.tag: depth = {i[0]: float(i[1]) for i in root[0][k].attrib.items()} cells = root[0][k] metadata["depthLayer"] = depth if verbose: log.debug(f"Forecast with metadata:\n{metadata}") for cell in cells: cell_data = [] m_cell_bins = [] for i, m in enumerate(cell.iter()): if i == 0: cell_data.extend([float(m.attrib["lon"]), float(m.attrib["lat"])]) else: cell_data.append(float(m.text)) m_cell_bins.append(float(m.attrib["m"])) data_ijm.append(cell_data) m_bins.append(m_cell_bins) try: data_ijm = numpy.array(data_ijm) m_bins = numpy.array(m_bins) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise Exception("Data is not square") magnitudes = m_bins[0, :] rates = data_ijm[:, -len(magnitudes) :] all_polys = numpy.vstack( ( data_ijm[:, 0] - cell_dim["lonRange"] / 2.0, data_ijm[:, 0] + cell_dim["lonRange"] / 2.0, data_ijm[:, 1] - cell_dim["latRange"] / 2.0, data_ijm[:, 1] + cell_dim["latRange"] / 2.0, ) ).T bboxes = [((i[0], i[2]), (i[0], i[3]), (i[1], i[3]), (i[1], i[2])) for i in all_polys] dh = float(all_polys[0, 3] - all_polys[0, 2]) poly_mask = numpy.ones(len(bboxes)) region = CartesianGrid2D([Polygon(bbox) for bbox in bboxes], dh, mask=poly_mask) return rates, region, magnitudes
[docs] @staticmethod def quadtree(filename): with open(filename, "r") as file_: qt_header = file_.readline().split(",") formats = [str] for i in range(len(qt_header) - 1): formats.append(float) qt_formats = {i: j for i, j in zip(qt_header, formats)} data = pandas.read_csv(filename, header=0, dtype=qt_formats) quadkeys = numpy.array([i.encode("ascii", "ignore") for i in data.tile]) magnitudes = numpy.array(data.keys()[3:]).astype(float) rates = data[magnitudes.astype(str)].to_numpy() region = QuadtreeGrid2D.from_quadkeys(quadkeys.astype(str), magnitudes=magnitudes) region.get_cell_area() return rates, region, magnitudes
[docs] @staticmethod def csv(filename): def is_mag(num): try: m = float(num) if -1 < m < 12.0: return True else: return False except ValueError: return False with open(filename, "r") as file_: line = file_.readline() if len(line.split(",")) > 3: sep = "," else: sep = " " if "tile" in line: rates, region, magnitudes = ForecastParsers.quadtree(filename) return rates, region, magnitudes data = pandas.read_csv( filename, header=0, sep=sep, escapechar="#", skipinitialspace=True ) data.columns = [i.strip() for i in data.columns] magnitudes = numpy.array([float(i) for i in data.columns if is_mag(i)]) rates = data[[i for i in data.columns if is_mag(i)]].to_numpy() all_polys = data[["lon_min", "lon_max", "lat_min", "lat_max"]].to_numpy() bboxes = [((i[0], i[2]), (i[0], i[3]), (i[1], i[3]), (i[1], i[2])) for i in all_polys] dh = float(all_polys[0, 3] - all_polys[0, 2]) try: poly_mask = data["mask"] except KeyError: poly_mask = numpy.ones(len(bboxes)) region = CartesianGrid2D([Polygon(bbox) for bbox in bboxes], dh, mask=poly_mask) return rates, region, magnitudes
[docs] @staticmethod def hdf5(filename, group=""): start = time.process_time() with h5py.File(filename, "r") as db: rates = db[f"{group}/rates"][:] magnitudes = db[f"{group}/magnitudes"][:] if "quadkeys" in db.keys(): region = QuadtreeGrid2D.from_quadkeys( db[f"{group}/quadkeys"][:].astype(str), magnitudes=magnitudes ) region.get_cell_area() else: dh = db[f"{group}/dh"][:][0] bboxes = db[f"{group}/bboxes"][:] poly_mask = db[f"{group}/poly_mask"][:] region = CartesianGrid2D([Polygon(bbox) for bbox in bboxes], dh, mask=poly_mask) log.debug(f"Loading from hdf5 {filename} took:" f" {time.process_time() - start:.2f}") return rates, region, magnitudes
[docs] class HDF5Serializer:
[docs] @staticmethod def grid2hdf5(rates, region, mag, grp="", hdf5_filename=None, **kwargs): start = time.process_time() bboxes = numpy.array([i.points for i in region.polygons]) with h5py.File(hdf5_filename, "a") as hfile: hfile.require_dataset(f"{grp}/rates", shape=rates.shape, dtype=float) hfile[f"{grp}/rates"][:] = rates hfile.require_dataset(f"{grp}/magnitudes", shape=mag.shape, dtype=float) hfile[f"{grp}/magnitudes"][:] = mag hfile.require_dataset(f"{grp}/bboxes", shape=bboxes.shape, dtype=float) hfile[f"{grp}/bboxes"][:] = bboxes hfile.require_dataset(f"{grp}/dh", shape=(1,), dtype=float) try: hfile[f"{grp}/dh"][:] = region.dh except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( "Quadtree can not be dropped to HDF5" "(not needed, because file is already" " low sized" ) hfile.require_dataset(f"{grp}/poly_mask", shape=region.poly_mask.shape, dtype=float) hfile[f"{grp}/poly_mask"][:] = region.poly_mask if kwargs: for key, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, (float, int, str)): dtype = type(v) shape = (1,) elif isinstance(v, numpy.ndarray): shape = v.shape dtype = v.dtype else: shape = len(v) dtype = type(v[0]) hfile.require_dataset(f"{grp}/{key}", shape=shape, dtype=dtype) hfile[f"{grp}/{key}"][:] = v log.debug(f"Storing to hdf5 {hdf5_filename} took:" f"{time.process_time() - start:2f}")
[docs] def check_format(filename, fmt=None, func=None): if fmt is None: fmt = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1][1:] if fmt == "xml": max_lines = 40 bin_ = False with open(filename, "r") as f_: for i in range(max_lines): line_ = f_.readline() if "<bin" in line_ and "</bin>" in line_: bin_ = True error_msg = ( "File does not specify rates per magnitude bin." " Example correct format:\n <cell lat='0.1'" " lon'0.1'>\n <bin m='5.0'>1.0e-1</bin>\n" "<bin m='5.1'>1.0e-1</bin>\n </cell>" ) if not bin_: raise LookupError(error_msg) tree = eTree.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() index = False if "forecastData" not in root[0].tag: raise IndentationError( 'Attribute "forecastData" is not found at ' 'the correct tree indentation level (1)"' ) for i, j in enumerate(list(root[0])): if "depthLayer" in j.tag: index = i if isinstance(index, int) and (index is not False): cell_keys = list(root[0][index][0].attrib.keys()) bin_ = root[0][index][0][0].attrib if "lat" not in cell_keys or "lon" not in cell_keys: raise KeyError(error_msg) if "m" not in bin_: raise KeyError(error_msg) else: raise LookupError("Attribute 'depthLayer' not present in" " 'forecastData' node") elif fmt == "csv": pass elif fmt == "qtree": pass elif fmt == "dat": pass elif fmt == "hdf5": pass elif func: pass
[docs] def serialize(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--format", help="format") parser.add_argument("--filename", help="Model forecast name") args = parser.parse_args() if args.format == "quadtree": ForecastParsers.quadtree(args.filename) if args.format == "dat": ForecastParsers.dat(args.filename) if args.format == "csep" or args.format == "csv": ForecastParsers.csv(args.filename) if args.format == "xml": ForecastParsers.xml(args.filename)
if __name__ == "__main__": serialize()